Brainspotting Training For
BIPOC Mental Health and Healthcare Professionals
Addiction Counselors | Professional Counselors | Social Workers | Psychologists | Marriage and Family Therapists | Psychiatrists | Nurse Practitioners | Occupational Therapists | Executive/Life Coaches | Naturopaths | Acupuncturists
Asian | African American/Black | Latinx | Indigenous/Native | Mixed Race | Southeast Asian | Pacific Islander | Middle Eastern (if believe that you are treated differently and perceived to be a person of color - yes I know it's confusing)
This is a personal project and endeavor of John R. Edwards, LCSW
Where you look affects how you feel
BIPOC Brainspotting Trainings are typically
Time: 7:00am to 4:00pm Pacific Time each day
Cost: $645 (includes training materials)
Brainspotting Phase 1 and Phase 2 Trainings for BIPOC Mental Health and Healthcare Professionals are approved by Brainspotting Trainings, LLC and meet the requirements and standards to become a certified Brainspotting practitioner.

John R. Edwards, LCSW
Certified Brainspotting Practitioner,
International Brainspotting Trainer and Consultant.
Read John's bio here

64 Therapists of Color, 11 Brainspotting Practitioners who were facilitators plus Cynthia Schwartberg and David Grand.
Therapists of Color Phase 1 Training in Atlanta, December 2019.
Listen to interviews with attendees about their experiences at the first ever Brainspotting Phase 1 training for Therapists of Color in a Counter-Space environment
BIPOC Brainspotting Training in partnership with Brainspotting Trainings, LLC
Thanks to David Grand, PhD, Founder and Developer of Brainspotting for his operational support and guidance that brought to life this first ever of its kind Brainspotting training in Atlanta December 2019 and now subsequent trainings.
The Evolution:
My name is John R. Edwards, and I am an LCSW in my own full time private practice in Oakland, CA. Throughout my career I have pursued multiple trainings in different modalities so that I can be best equipped to assist my clients heal, recover, grow from trauma and emotional pain and transform their lives.
In January of 2018, after much debate with myself regarding which EMDR training I should take, I happened upon Brainspotting. I honestly don’t remember how I found Brainspotting but the universe brought it to me.
I completed Brainspotting Phase 1 training in February 2018 in Sacramento, CA. During the training, I was blown away at the impact that the Brainspotting process had on healing and recovery. This was from observing the demonstrations of the various set ups of Brainspotting as well as practicing the set ups with other attendees at the training.
EMDR is known for its impact and “speed” and many of clinicians who are trained in Brainspotting were initially trained in EMDR. Many of these clinicians describe Brainspotting as EMDR on "steroids" due to powerful impact it can have on emotional healing and recovery.
Since that February 2018 training, I have completed Phases 2, 3, 4, Brainspotting for Addictions, Reframing and Reprocessing Language in Brainspotting the latter two I attended in Vienna, Austria, a MasterClass in Brainspotting, Brainspotting with Children and Adolescents, Brainspotting with Athletes and Artists in Barcelona, November 2019. This is how much I believe Brainspotting is valuable to me and my work with helping others.
As of December 2019, I am a Certified Brainspotting Practitioner and a Brainspotting Trainer and Consultant in training.
The idea for this Brainspotting Training for BIPOC Mental Health and Healthcare Professionals.
This idea popped into my brain as many ideas do and I decided to pursue it. I have spoken with Dr. Grand, PhD Founder and Developer of Brainspotting and other leaders in Brainspotting Community about developing this specific training. This training focuses on teaching Brainspotting in a Counter-Space environment.
Often in trainings, BIPOC attendees experience an alarming number of microaggressions and macroaggressions. These range from "I don't see color", "I am not racist", "Touching hair without permission" "Assumed to be the janitor or employee of the venue - which also means that the person doesn't belong in the training with the white people" "Being whitesplained to" "Cultural questions being dismissed" and the list goes on and on.
Brainspotting training is didactic, highly experiential and intense, I thought it would be great to have an atmosphere where the training can be provided with intentionality and an awareness of Cultural Humility in the absences of needing to manage whiteness and all that comes with that.
That’s it really.
David Grand, PhD taught the Brainspotting Phase 1 to Therapists of Color in Atlanta, GA December 2019. I assisted with the training. David will be teaching Phase 2 in June in Atlanta, GA 2020 to Therapists of Color/Non white. David no longer teaches Brainspotting Phases 1 and 2. In recognition of the need for a more diverse community of Brainspotting Practitioners David agreed to teach Phases 1 and 2 for these first specific trainings. I am currently a trainer in training with David. The idea is that some of the attendees will also endeavor to become Brainspotting Trainers and Consultants thereby creating a more diverse pool of Brainspotting leaders.
If you would like to receive updates regarding the planning of the Brainspotting Trainings for BIPOC Mental Health and Healthcare Professionals please join the e-mail list.
Note: Your email will only be used for these specific trainings and no other purpose.
More about Brainspotting
David Grand, PhD is the founder and developer of Brainspotting. Dr. Grand was one of the first clinicians to be trained in EMDR and went on to develop Natural Flow EMDR. It is from this place that he noticed a shift in one of his clients and his curiosity lead to discovery of the Brainspotting process.
Additional information about Brainspotting including research and case studies can be found on
Dr. Grand’s book Brainspotting is available for purchase from you favorite book seller.
Listen to
David Grand, PhD
Christine Ranck, PhD
describe what is a Brainspot.
Listen to David Grand, PhD discuss Brainspotting
The first Brainspotting Phase 1 Training in the USA for BIPOC Therapists was an amazing success.
64 BIPOC Therapists plus 11 Brainspotting Practitioners of Color (who were amazing facilitators) gathered at the Holiday Inn Atlanta Airport South December 5 to December 8, 2019. 64 Therapists of Color are now Brainspotters and able to practice Brainspotting in their practice.
Thanks to David Grand, PhD - Founder and Developer of Brainspotting for leading the training.
Thanks to the following Brainspotters who were facilitators and provided support to make this training an AMAZING success. Thanks to Cynthia Schwartzberg, LCSW, Certified Brainspotting Practitioner, Consultant and Trainer for her support with the facilitators.
Nenh Borh, LMFT, St. Cloud, MN
Aletha Clark, LPC, Snellville, GA
Tracy Gantlin-Monroy, LPC, Atlanta, GA
Dafna Gauthier, LPCC, Sacramento, CA
Virginia Hill, LPC, Raleigh, NC
Andrieah Johnson, LMHC, Jacksonville, FL
Benita Joy, MFT, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Alexis Overstreet, LCSW, Winston Salem, NC
Cynthia Schwartzberg, LCSW, Atlanta, GA
Linnea Swanson, PsyD, LMFT, St. Paul, MN
Nancy Tung, RN, Bellevue, WA
Aska Yoshizu, E-RYT, CMT, Los Altos, CA